
Ho’oponopono is an energy healing process that originally comes from the ancient system of energy healing and empowerment of HUNA or HO’OMANA as it was originally known.

Ho’opnopono is one of the healing processes from Huna specifically to heal up relationships, both with us and others. Some refer to it as a forgiveness process. Ho’ means to make, pono means to to make it right .

The lineages from different Hawaiian Islands had different processes of Ho’opnopono. The form of Ho’oponopono better known in the West is a version from Kahuna Morrnah Simeona who used the process at the United Nations in conflict resolution. Following her passing in 1992, one of her students Ihaleakala Hew Len made a different process that was later popularised with co-authoring a book with Joe Vitale called Zero Limits. Dr Len’s version includes a mantra “I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.” Many people have found this meditation very useful.

The Ho’oponopono energy healing sessions/workshops I offer is from the lineage I studied with in Hawaii and in its original form and is different and a longer process than the Westernised version. I have used Ho’oponopono in therapy as well as workshops since late 1990s.


It is a way of making things right between people . Ho’oponopono in its original form corrects, restores, and maintain better relationships especially with family members by getting to the cause and sources of issues. Ho’ means to make, pono means right and ponopono means to make it right both ways.


I studied Huna in Hawaii over a period of ten years visiting Hawaii twice a year to learn this powerful natural energy healing ways. It is so simple but life changing. To me Huna is all about Aloha - love, humility, respect, compassion, nurturing, taking responsibility, and a way of living your life fully. WANT TO KNOW MORE about HUNA and HO’OPONOPONO?





Ho’oponopono Session

One to one energy healing session available in London, Devon and Cornwall (by appointment)


Fee : 2-hour session £200

Includes a guided meditation to help you:

Heal up your past relationships and others you have issues with.

Heal up your genealogy (ancestors).

Cut energetic or “AKA” cords attached to others.

Create supportive energetic boundaries.

Make peace with each other.

Release them with love, enabling you to move forward.

Want to find out more?

Are you ready to set yourself free?