Healthcare concept of professional psychologist doctor consult in psychotherapy session or counsel diagnosis health.

What is Time line Therapy™?

Time Line Therapy™ is a simple but a powerful process that has evolved from hypnosis and NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming, developed by Tad James PhD. (Marion trained with Tad James).

Time line Therapy™ is about healing up your emotional past, your memories of painful past experiences for good, easily, comfortably, quickly (within a few hours) with lasting results.

How can you benefit from Time Line Therapy™

Time Line Therapy™ is usually used with NLP and hypnosis.

Time Line Therapy™ enables people to release and clear negative emotions (Such as: anger, rage, hurt, shame, sadness, fear, resentment, envy, guilt, remorse, etc.) as well as unhealthy limiting beliefs attached to a person’s memories.

This enables the person to live in the present and create their future in the way they want to experience it.

It also enables the person to get to the root cause of the issues and resolve them, rather than just addressing symptoms.

It is one of the most powerful and effective therapeutic process available to heal up painful emotions and limiting beliefs.

The process is permissive and resolve the issues quickly (in a matter of a few hours) comfortably with lasting results. No more hourly sessions for week after  weeks and years talking or analysing problems/issues. Together with NLPand hypnosis, TLT  enables a person to actually DO something to release and clear out the negative emotions and limiting beliefs attached to memories.

Having trained in different therapies and interventions including CBT, in my experience, TLT enables the clients to resolve their issues for good and considerably faster than any other talk/brief therapy.

Having practised Time Line Therapy™ since 1997, I have found the process an invaluable tool especially in helping people with complex issues such as severe Trauma/PTSD, childhood abuse, other anxiety disorders and depression.

TLT (combined with other processes I use ) enables you literally to heal up your past!

Does that sound good to you?

Do you feel ready to resolve the issues that have troubled you for years?

If so, contact us for a 20-minute discussion free to see if we can work together to resolve them for good.

Marion is a certified trainer and Master practitioner of Time Line Therapy™

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